Branding for…

Future Energy

Future Energy is a brand that my dear father is in the process of creating.

Based around solar energy; giving me the tasks of creating a website, overall brand (name), logo, business card etc.

As of right now, I have created the name, logo, and business card ideas, while the business creation is on pause!

The process

First, I included the business card idea, and final logo! What follows is more of the process it took to get me there. I made sure to add in the very rough sketches, color schemes, first logo created, and some other ideas that came about by playing with shapes and lines.

The logo is supposed to give the feeling of a solar panel, along with the feel of an “F”. My client, wanted it to be more on the simpler and abstract side.

I would love the final business cards to be in a square format, rather than rectangle. It seems to fit the logo and the idea of the brand better than a rectangular shape.


Noom Redesign